Friday, April 25, 2008

do onions have seeds . . ?

yes and really pretty flowers too . . .


what if . . . maybe . . . say suppose . . .
the earth just stopped and spewed some prose
incoherent violent blows
in your ears and out your nose
.reeling .faint .raw .exposed
take your time .overdose.
what to do . . . that’s how it goes

u couldn’t care . . . I am nose

a blatant lie .from friend .to foe
crippled by the scathing blow
burn my boat .row row row
sinking fast down .Down below
disbelief .I cannot know
far away .heave and throw
I plant descent .u watch it grow

Internalize it .let it show

Monday, April 21, 2008

sop of sorts

Masters in sustainable urbanism

Born and brought up in India, a country of vast variety and diverse history brought together by the British who left us united and equipped to deal with the developing world. The sheer lack of efficiency of the bureaucracy we inherited is the only reason for the survival of indigenous knowledge which otherwise fails to find a position in the rapidly modernising and densifying urban scenario in the subcontinent.

Water, land and air the main commodities of an urban realm are no longer easily available, and scarcity is the name of the game. Pollution and dirt spreads around us, landfills pile up, the night sky disappears.

The scary part is that the explosion seems to have just kicked off . . . rearing to go our cities are growing at unprecedented rates . . . the prices continue to rise, and all of a sudden people from around the world seem to want to come here . . . far from planned our urban centers are ill prepared for the rapid densification that ensues, developers and builders far outrun desperately struggling municipalities . . .

. . . amidst all this, the average Indian has an amazingly low standard of living consuming next to nothing as compared to his first world counterpart . . . as we shape our urban form around our heritage, our unique situation and adaptive nature needs to be incorporated to customise our cities according to our requirement. Aping the first world with inadequate resources and a paradigm away in requirement, we are bound to come up short in all regards.

To address issues of natural resources (water, land, air, life . . . ), waste, mobility within the context of a developing country with regard to the inherent tradition of urbanism . . .

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

solving the puzzle

the americans seem to have invented most of the trusses, but this japanese program 'goya' is an amazing tool for calculating the resultant stresses in the members of the truss . . . slowly simone's truss is starting to make sense, though i haven't been able to model it yet . . . the positive stresses are tension and the negative compression . . ! though most of these trusses are loaded from within not from above . . .

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

the simone section

someone help me figure out which members are in tension and which are in compression . . . !


back from madras . . . revit ready, and plunging headlong into a simon velez bamboo roof . . . now thats life . . . :-) we got the fastest machine i've seen in office too, core 4 4gb ram workstation board . . . rocks, generated a dtm of guwahati riverfont in under a minute. but it makes you realise that the human brain is on a different planet, and computing is almost barking up the wrong tree its that far behind. working out the bamboo truss to support the roof of boss' farm house, the grinding grey cells could not be substituted both for end result and sheer gratification. standing on the scaffolding, bolting the bamboo into place with wheat field swaying in the breeze all around, the rustle of leaves in the back ground, really . . . no substitute for the real thing . . .