Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i know its trouble
when i fall
from frenzied race
to steady crawl
the urgency
which should have stilled
seems just to age
and strike a chill
make not that urge
still not emerge
distant traces
fabled word
dream in fragments
shatter proof
maybe madness
coming through

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

purring didj's

This whole vibratory deal may be specific to neuron health and as possessors of a few billion of the suckers humans might be well disposed to 'purr' occasionally. What better way to do so than with a Didge. It's a thought.

Thursday, March 03, 2011


the first day of the rest of my life
dawns so crisp and chill
my sixth sense it brought it on
was never one to dwell
idly on coincidence or thoughts so jumbled that
they come at you in saw tooth waves
and test the mettle well
clinging yet to sliding scree
i guess its just who's me
i can't no more though
play the game
nor run this farce till free
a day of joy
the union of true love
makes good back ground to test the tale
of one clearly unsound
the rest though shines
it makes my path
it draws my every curve
the algebra, or the quirks they play
moments jump time stills
obsessive yet a mellow me
wants to fight stability
no longer for the fear it holds
but for the misery
beats will save me tune will kill
the melody instills . . .