Friday, August 27, 2010

Common wealth

Of countries conquered by the royal crown

Suffocated bled and left to drown

Wealth was there

Most everywhere

Just not for any yellows blacks or browns

Small wonder then that we are still to find

Prosperity with noses to the grind

Steal while you can

From god or man

From masters we have learnt to ape the blind

Shortsighted though we find ourselves

Raiding our own pantry shelves

Not just a pun

It has begun

The hunger wells as we descend to hell!

Of cities roads and stadiums large and small

Tenders contracts brother have them all

Skim off the top

And hear the pop

Sand for mortar bubbly flows a ball

No wonder then that roofs cave in

Roads just crumble and we begin

To have repute

As black as soot

Substandard work is wherein lies the sin


  1. Anonymous09:51

    CWG on a friday night!!!!

  2. Ultimately..wealth is common ! so commonweath games



you were saying . . ?