Sunday, February 27, 2011


ever since i started playing a didj the significance of resonance has suddenly become a striking reality for me. I have played instruments ever since i found my first . . probably a pot, or my dad's guitar. Maybe a dhol at some wedding or at a lok utsav at tilonia . . a colourful childhood i have had the fortune of having . . but resonance it took an aboriginee instrument to make it real for me . . not to mention a new york busker who introduced me to the concept. didjeridoos i have known for some time . . having frequented the israeli destinations (read tourist spots) of india . . out of lack of option trust me . . i have seen them for quite some time . . but not being well versed in wind instruments, the flute being the only one i had flirted with previously . . . i guess i thought it was outside my domain. also hanging around hippy tourists playing the didj never really felt attractive. though amar would vouch that it gets you laid ;) none the less . . when i actually made the cylinder resound and that bass boom reveerberated the room to its roots, i knew i ha hit on a discovery . . not an invention, a discovery . . that's for me the essence of the beauty of the didjeridoo. at asim's installation, amar suggested that we should make a didj as fate would have it mike arrived to couch surf, i got my tabla skins changed after like more than a decade so musically inclined, we hollowed out a bamboo at the installation (it was a bamboo installation, so there was a wide selection) and he blew it and my life changed . . that's the beauty of life :) so resonance . . .
. . googling it led me to this interesting counter word . .


apparently vowels, l and m sounds are sonorant, this means there is no interference in the airflow through te mouth. so they are pure resonant sounds modulated with the mouth cavity and the positioning of the tongue . . i guess i am rediscovering or discovering for the first time that i have a mouth cavity . . no actually, i click and whistle, so i figure i k=have played with it before but the didj really makes it so much louder :)

so . . . resonance . . i know from playnig the guitar that the length of the string is the wavelength of the sound wave and you can make harmonics which correspond to octave shifts as well as a couple of other ones which don't really fit into the western division of the octave. so i figure that the frequency with which my lips buzz (that is pfff's per second or hz) is the same as the length of my didj . . well not the frequency, the wavelength, but they must have something to do with each other . . let me break it down . . you have an amplittude, a wave length and a frequency . . . ok this is now going to need research which dhoni is preventing me from doing as india seems set to make 400!! so next up :)

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